X-Visual presents Visio 3D and KEPLER

As coordinator and project partner of the WIR! alliance MR4B – Mixed Reality for Business, X-Visual Technologies will also be at the Hannover Messe, the most important international platform for all technologies related to industrial transformation, from April 22 to 26, 2024.
Experience how our P&ID software PlantEngineer meets mixed reality. At the MR4B experience station , you can try out our VR & AR layout planning solution “Visio 3D” for yourself every day.
In addition, X-Visual CEO, Wolfgang Welscher, will present all the news about our MR4B project KEPLER on Friday, April 26 at 2 pm. KEPLER is a collaborative mixed reality platform for engineering in plant construction by integrating the BIM and DEXPI domain models.
Secure your free ticket now and visit us at the joint stand of the WFBB Capital Region in Hall 13, E62.
We look forward to your visit!